Maandelijks archief: juni 2020

artist talk: silent witnesses of a shared environment

Conversas à Volta do Tijolo held on the 11th of May 2019 in Montemor-O-Novo (P)

Conversas-a-Volta-do-Tijolo-731x1024Synopsis: Lagast does not work with bricks, which is why they are not found in her work. Still, bricks appear here and there in her artistic works: as an existing wall covered with aluminum foil to catch the daylight or as a form of detail in a brick wall. Lagast uses moulds in her work to reproduce details that characterize spaces and cities but also provides a certain type of repetition of the elements. This repetition of one or more modular elements can be found in many of the artist’s installations and gives the artist the freedom to adapt them, every time again, to a new space. They are materializations of a continuous observation of the surrounding urban environment, resulting from an incessant curiosity about the identity of a city.

silent witnesses of a shared environment